2023 Holiday Luncheon & AGM
One Great City Brewing Co. located at 1596 Ness Ave.
When: December 21st.
Time: 11:15 am-2:00 pm
Check out our menu options!! One Great City Menu
We have sent out an email to our members with an Eventbrite link. If you did not receive it, please register your intent to attend with Jon Metcalfe (jonathan.metcalfe@nici.mb.ca) by 4 pm on December 14th. There will be no virtual option for this event.
Cost per person: $50/person (limited to 45 people)
Payment Options:
e-transfer (jonathan.metcalfe@nici.mb.ca)
Visa / Debit at the door
Door / Silent Auction Prizes & 50/50 Draw
In support of Siloam Mission please bring new or nearly new winter clothing items to donate!
Alternatively you can donate by visiting their page https://www.siloam.ca/donation-page/