One Members Journey

One Member’s Journey – Sloane Newton, CPP

03 March 2021

Sloane Newton, CPP, the ARVP of ASIS Canada Chapter Region 6B, shares her #MyASIS story and how membership has helped her throughout her career. In honor of Membership Appreciation Month, she also expressed her gratitude to those members who have helped her along the way.

How has the ASIS membership community influenced your professional development?

The membership community has influenced my professional development by most importantly opening the door and connecting me into the universe of security thought leadership. My journey began in 2007, when I joined ASIS. I saw an opportunity to meet the members in the Manitoba Chapter and hear from local experts on relevant security topics. I found myself wanting to go back meeting after meeting just to be around other security professionals with the same issues and challenges that I was experiencing. At the time I had no idea how much I would be influenced and how much I would benefit from my involvement with the membership community.

How has volunteering with ASIS benefitted you both personally and professionally?

Over the years, through encouragement and support from other members, whom I now call friends, I have accepted volunteer roles with increasing responsibilities. I first took on a role as Government Liaison, then filled the membership chair, and was then voted in at Chapter Chair position.  I could not have been successful in the role of Chair without the support of the other leading security executives, in particular Kim Gregorashuk, PSP. If it were not for Kim’s support I may never have pursued the Chair position and would not have had the great experience that it was. Today I sit in an ARVP position for ASIS Canada and have great leadership to look to in the likes of William Van Ryswyk, CPP and Jason Caissie, CPP, PSP. Through these roles I have been able to meet a number of global security thought leaders, who have been incredibly supportive of personal and professional paths and I cannot thank them enough for providing me with the opportunity to lead and learn.

What goals were you were able to achieve in 2020 despite it being a year of unprecedented challenges?

2020 pushed us all to our personal and professional limits. It was also a time for reflection. On a personal level, I made some decisions that I feel are strongly influenced by my involvement with ASIS. In September I achieved my CPP Board Certification in Security Management, and in December I made the decision to transition from the public sector into the private sector.  At the time of this writing this I am just beginning my adventure into exploring the private sector and I am excited to see where it will lead me. I would encourage those members who are looking to advance their careers to spend time thinking about where they would like to take their career and plug in ASIS resources to help them achieve their goals.

What should members, and non-members alike, know about the ASIS network?

ASIS is there for those who truly believe in lifelong learning. I believe one way we learn is through the experiences of others. The ASIS member community has been very open to sharing and as a result I see us achieving more positive results in the industry. Between subject matter area Communities, chapter and regional events, certifications, and robust year-round ASIS educational offerings, members can elevate their professional game significantly. The membership community is like none other that I have been involved with and I am proud to be a member. Without their influence I would not be where I am today and for that I am grateful to the whole of the ASIS International organization, but mostly to the Manitoba Chapter where I call home.

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